Please see a notice regarding the CISM Contact Number.

March 11, 2015 at 9:55 AM

March 11, 2015

Dear Members:

RE:      CISM Contact Numbers


Recently PHSA distributed a doubled-sided reference card with BCEHS key contact numbers on it.  There has been some confusion with the numbers listed on this card.  The Critical Incident Stress Management number is listed is incorrect.  It is shown as the same number as the Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) contact number.

Although everyone has access to the services that the EFAP provider offers, we want to confirm that the Peer Critical Incident Stress Management team is still active and available at a number not listed on this reference card.

Should you need access to your Peer Critical Incident Stress Management team, please call:


Thank you.

Melanie Stephens
Coordinator – Critical Incident Stress Management Team
Ambulance Paramedics of British Columbia
CUPE Local 873




Category: Committee