Call for Resolutions

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

As you are well aware, Convention 2019 is fast approaching and now is the time to submit your resolutions for debate.  Convention 2019 will be held on October 8, 9 & 10, 2019.

Resolutions can be submitted through the website, at this address: 

Standard resolution forms can also be downloaded from the website. 

Please forward your resolutions to the Union office by THURSDAY, July 25, 2019.  All resolutions received after the cut off will be deemed as late and will be dealt with after current resolutions are complete or at the 2019 Convention.

A few tips for resolutions: 

  • The preferred route of resolution submission is online, via:
  • Please make sure hand written resolutions are legible.
  • Please make sure the author and seconder are clearly legible and members in good standing.
  • Please be specific in what your resolution is about. 

The Committee will call members should clarification be required.  All resolutions received before closing will be processed and put in the package for Delegates. 

Thank you for your co-operation.  

In Solidarity,                                           

Bylaws and Resolutions Committee
CUPE Local 873/873-02


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