Due to a change in bylaws, nominations for Provincial Executive and Provincial Standing Committee positions will now occur and be completed prior to Convention. As such, candidates are provided an opportunity to publish a biogrpahy, in advance of Convention, on this page.

Biographies may be submitted here. Please note the size and content guidelines.

Current Candidate Biographies

Bylaws Committee

Election ends October 24, 2024

No biographies have been approved yet. Check back soon!

Convention Committee

Election ends October 24, 2024

Terry Grant

Submitted August 27, 2024

With over 22 years of dedicated service to BCEHS, I have witnessed the many challenges and triumphs within our organization. For the past 3 years, I have proudly served as a station shop steward, advocating tirelessly for my colleagues' rights and well-being.

My extensive experience has equipped me with a deep understanding of our unique workplace dynamics, CBA and the needs of our members. I am committed to ensuring fair treatment, safe working conditions, and strong support systems for all employees. As your elected union representative, I will continue to work diligently to enhance our collective bargaining power, improve our work environment, and address the issues that matter most to us.

Together, we can build a stronger, more united workforce. I humbly ask for your support in the upcoming union election to continue advocating for a better future for all of us.

Emergency Medical Assistants (EMA) Licensing Board Representative

Election ends October 24, 2024

Ian Tait

Submitted August 27, 2024

Hi, my name is Ian Tait, and I am running to be the new EMALB rep for APBC.  For a long time I have been frustrated how the EMALB does business, conducts investigations, and treats our members. I have seen dozens and dozens of our members go through hell dealing with insignificant infractions, frivolous complaints, and what I would consider minor issues revolving around communication problems.  I want to be a strong, supportive voice that fights for our members and a real advocate on the board, who's only goal is to be a voice for our people.  I want to fight against the hired investigators that have zero medical knowledge or background, let alone any idea what it's like to be a first responder in this day and age.  I want to fight against the hired law firm that extorts and bullies our members into signing unfair Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADRs) under duress.  I want to advocate for change, fair representation, and an acknowledgement that our people are doing the best the can under unbelievable stress and under staffing.

Health & Wellness Director

Election ends October 24, 2024

No biographies have been approved yet. Check back soon!

Inclusion Diversity Equity and Access IDEA

Election ends October 24, 2024

No biographies have been approved yet. Check back soon!

Indigenous Health Navigator

Election ends October 24, 2024

No biographies have been approved yet. Check back soon!

Mental Health & Wellness Coordinator

Election ends October 24, 2024

No biographies have been approved yet. Check back soon!

Negotiating Committee

Election ends October 24, 2024

Chris McWilliam

Submitted August 27, 2024

My name is Chris McWilliam and I work at Station 684, Prince Rupert.  I joined BC EHS, part time, in October 2022. Previous to joining the APBC family, I worked for the Gov of Canada, in a contract heavy environment, for 8 years.  During that time, I was very active with a National Union, serving in a variety of roles, on both a local and national level, ranging from a Shop Steward, various committees and Convention Chair.  I also had the opportunity to participate in a joint Union/Employer program facilitating union related education.  This program included in-depth workshops covering topics like Labour Management Consultation, Understanding Collective Agreements and others, in various other departments and with multiple levels of both union and management. I am a huge believer in the statement that "The Union gets the Management it deserves and Management gets the Union it deserves".  This statement can be interpreted two ways - both positive and negative.  A weak and disorganized Union will get Management that dominates them, resists change - either positive or negative, and works against the Union at every turn.  Whereas a strong and cohesive Union, that works towards solutions not confrontations, heads off problems at the pass and looks out for the best interests of its members, will find that they get a Management that, for the most part, will want to protect that relationship. In either case, the foundation of that structure and relationship stems from a solid Collective Agreement. Being a part of the our Negotiating Committee will allow me the chance to contribute to reinforcing the work that has gone before; to leverage many years of Union experience and exposure to multiple different collective agreements to help strengthen our CA.  My goal is to continue to see our Sisters and Brothers forward and through my contributions, hopefully I can leave my Union a little better than I found it.

Union Trustee

Election ends October 24, 2024

Terry Grant

Submitted August 27, 2024

With over 22 years of dedicated service to BCEHS, I have witnessed the many challenges and triumphs within our organization. For the past 3 years, I have proudly served as a station shop steward, advocating tirelessly for my colleagues' rights and well-being.

My extensive experience has equipped me with a deep understanding of our unique workplace dynamics, CBA and the needs of our members. I am committed to ensuring fair treatment, safe working conditions, and strong support systems for all employees.

As your elected union representative, I will continue to work diligently to enhance our collective bargaining power, improve our work environment, and address the issues that matter most to us. Together, we can build a stronger, more united workforce.

I humbly ask for your support in the upcoming union election to continue advocating for a better future for all of us.

Womens Advocacy Director

Election ends October 24, 2024

Camille Amber McCluskey

Submitted September 16, 2024

Hi, my name is Camille McCluskey, and I am running for re-election as the Women’s Advocacy Director. Thank you to those who have entrusted me with the opportunity thus far, and for the honour of renomination. For the past six months I have spent considerable time acquainting myself with the needs of our female members by offering representation and support. My vision for this position is to create a safe space for women to feel seen, heard and valued, whilst championing a culture of respect and equality within the union. As the Women’s Advocacy Director, I am spearheading initiatives aimed at improving working conditions and professional development opportunities for female paramedics. I am committed to improving maternity leave policy, mentorship programs, and increased representation of women in leadership positions. I encourage you to reference my recent Code 3 newsletter submissions, resolutions and convention report for further information pertaining to these initiatives. The passion I have for advocacy is rooted in my own experience as a paramedic. I understand the unique challenges that women face in this demanding profession, and I endeavour to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all. Throughout my career I have worked in a variety of regions including metro, urban and remote. I currently hold a position as an Off-Car Unit Chief in Kelowna, am a peer volunteer with the CISM team, and have served previously for the union as shop steward and regional recording secretary. As I seek re-election, I ask for your vote so I can continue the important work of building a stronger, more inclusive membership for all.