COVID-19 Vaccination Assistance Memo

COVID-19 Vaccination Assistance

With the roll out of the regional vaccination clinics around the Province, members have been asking how they can assist in getting the vaccine into as many people as possible, in the shortest amount of time.

As you know, in addition to the great work our Community Paramedics are doing in relation to vaccinations, the Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, recently expanded the order to allow for all licensed EMA’s to provide vaccinations.

If you want to volunteer to be a part of the vaccination team, there are several things that you must complete; you need to complete the mandatory training, which is described in the order. You will need to demonstrate competence to a health professional, and you must be supervised in person or virtually. All the required information can be found in the PHO order, located here.

Links to the PHSA learning hub courses are found below:

For those members that wish to volunteer at vaccination clinics to provide services OTHER than injecting patients, please see the links below:

Vancouver Costal Health (VCH):

Fraser Health (FHA):

Vancouver Island Health (VIHA):

Northern Health (NHA):

Interior Health (IHA):

First Nations Health (FNHA):

Thank you for all of the work you continue to do during this challenging time. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Regional Vice-President.

Stay safe.

Dave Deines
Provincial Vice President
Ambulance Paramedics & Emergency Dispatchers of BC
CUPE Local 873

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