Member Update – Alpha Shift Premium Application

Dear Members:

RE:  Member Update – Alpha Shift Premium Application

As you may be aware, in February 2021 the Union learned of an impending dispute surrounding the application of Article F7.00(d) Alpha Shift Premium to Irregular and some Regularly Scheduled Employees.

On April 1, 2021, the Employer began applying the Alpha Shift Premium in contravention of the Collective Agreement and the Union filed a policy grievance under the dispute resolution process of Appendix 20.  Of particular concern was the Employer’s position that Irregularly Scheduled Employees (ISE’s) would not be paid the Alpha Shift Premium when assigned to work Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo and/or Juliet.  This position was maintained despite the fact that ISE’s are assigned additional duties when working these shift patterns to maintain a balance of 12 working hours per shift (referred to as an extended shift) as per Schedule A in our Collective Agreement.

The parties met with Arbitrator Ready and Bell on multiple occasions in the dispute resolution process and reached a resolve to the matter on January 27, 2022.  The Union is happy to report that ISE’s will receive the Alpha Shift Premium on all hours worked between 1800-0600 on a go forward basis during extended shifts on a go forward basis, and all affected ISE’s will receive retroactive pay from June 25, 2021.  In addition, members will also receive the Alpha Shift Premium for all hours worked between 1800-0600 during the following types of 12-hour shifts on a go forward basis as well as retroactively from June 25, 2021: 

  • Critical Care Paramedic/Infant Transport Team training shifts
  • Orientation to practice shifts for Advanced Care Paramedics
  • Orientation to practice shifts for Paramedic Specialist positions
  • Critical Care Paramedic Advisor shifts
  • X-Ray transfer shifts
  • Shifts in a temporary position or vacancy that works the Alpha Shift Pattern as defined in Schedule A1.01(e)(i)
  • Shifts while acting as a preceptor
  • Other shifts that the Parties mutually agree are entitled to the Alpha Shift Premium.

The full settlement agreement can be found here.  The parties will be meeting by the end of February 2022 to finalize options for payment of the Alpha Shift Premium to all members impacted, both retroactively and on a go forward basis, until such time as the payroll system can be updated to make payments automatically.

Once the process for retroactivity and go forward payments has been finalized, I will update the membership. 


Jason Jackson
Provincial Vice President
Ambulance Paramedics of BC
CUPE 873

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