Photography and Video Production Project

Dear Members;

Re:       Photography and Video Production Project

Our Ambulance Paramedics and Dispatchers stock photography and video production project will begin shooting on November 10th.

We are looking for all members to step up and be willing to be part of this project. We have long heard from members that you want more public relations and that involves you to be willing to be photographed and tell your story. With our contract negotiations starting shortly this is more important than ever. 

This project will encompass shooting profile photos of members, staging calls with “patients” to shoot photos and footage and shooting various videos about the work we do.

Please note that you may also see me filming you or your ambulance while you are working on car in public spaces. Patient confidentiality will never be compromised in these cases, we will never use any image of a patient. The focus is you and we’ll never make you look bad.

Please visit the following website to show your interest so we can contact you when we are in the area for these shoots. 

Our itinerary begins with November 10-15 on Vancouver Island and November 20-24 in the Fraser Valley with future dates to be announced for each region across the Province shorty.  


Paul Alberts
Social Media Director
Ambulance Paramedics of BC
CUPE Local 873


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