Proportional Representation Referendum

Dear Members,

We write to you today about the important referendum underway in British Columbia, the vote on a possible change in our provincial elections system. Each of you should have received your ballot in the mail by now.

The referendum is asking two questions: Do you prefer the current ‘First past the post’ election system, or a change to ‘Proportional Representation’, and then if you do prefer Proportional Representation, which type do you prefer. (It is not necessary to answer the second question if you prefer not to)

As you know, provincial elections select not only our Provincial Government, but ultimately our Employer. For this reason, it is critically important that you have your say and make sure your vote(s) are received by November 30th.

As Convention has directed our Local not issue members direction on a suggested vote, we will not do so here. However, we do strongly encourage you to mail your vote(s) today, well in advance of the deadline. CUPE BC is strongly in favour of a YES vote for Proportional Representation, as is the BC NDP. The BC Liberals are strongly against a change to Proportional Representation.

If you’re not clear on what Proportional Representation is, we have linked some non-partisan videos and information sources below. Please take a few minutes to get informed and place your vote today.

Once again, please make sure your vote(s) are received be November 30th


Provincial Executive Committee
Ambulance Paramedics & Emergency Dispatchers of BC
CUPE Local 873


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