Recent Privacy Concerns

Dear Members; 

Re:  Recent Privacy Concerns  

There have been significant safety concerns raised regarding the recent change to include paramedics’ full names in PCR’s.

Corey Froese & Annmarie Byers are targeting an inquiry to see what is happening with members regarding their privacy. Members in the Province can privately contact the RVP’s (contact information below) and tell us your personal experience of issues with regards to your privacy. The plan is to review all this information and arrange a meeting with senior management to resolve this concern.

In Solidarity,

Corey Froese                                                                  Annemarie Byers

Regional Vice President -2East                                    Regional Vice President -2East

Ambulance Paramedics of BC                                      Ambulance Paramedics of BC

CUPE Local 873                                                             CUPE Local 873                                                 

604 314-8597                                                                604 852-9466

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